
Most beautiful village Tour of France

Tournon-d’Agenais – Les Plus Beaux Villages de France 2023 N°4 -★★☆☆☆

Date and Time (Original) - 2023:07:31 17:11:20 Ce jour-là, le quatrième village que nous avons visité était "Tournon...
Most beautiful village Tour of France

Monpazier – Les Plus Beaux Villages de France 2023 N°3 (revisité) -★★★★★

Date and Time (Original) - 2023:07:31 15:45:04 Ce jour-là, j'ai visité Monpazier, qui était mon troisième arrêt. En ...

Debut of Choimobi

I know it's a little late, but I made my debut on Choimobi. It was very fun. This EV car share makes me want to play wit...

current status

Thank you very much for your continued support of our blog.This time, I'm going to write about my personal situation, al...

April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage No. 9 – Jerónimos Monastery and Tower of Belém in Lisbon

Visit Date: April 29, 2017This is my second visit in 9 years since 2008. I can't keep up with the updates, and this plac...

Expedia customer support (phone) was very good.

よりChange of air ticket schedule to go to the Vienna Philharmonic at the end of the yearIn my last post, I talked about h...

2015 Israel & Morocco trip No.17 to Midelt, the relay point, watching Champions League for some reason

Date of visit: May 5, 2015Highlands of Morocco. The coolest place to stay on this trip.It's a very long way to Fez.After...

I’ll be at the concert at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space on August 16.

The photo is just an image.I'll be on the orchestra.It's been a while since I appeared in a concert. I will perform as a...

It’s been one year since I started the Kumon French Correspondence Course!

I'm learning as I go.せっかく制覇したんだから、もっとフランスの最も美しい村の詳しい訪問記録を残したいプラスアルファな動機ではじめた公文式フランス語も、この8月でちょうど1年がたちました。公文式フランス語通信講座はじめま...

But World Heritage: Newly registered in 2015, check where you have visited.

過去訪れた世界遺産のリスト | my lifelog yuu-koma.jp 世界遺産、納得の行くところから「どうしてここが?」というところまで様々とはいえ、やっぱり旅行していて近くに世界遺産があったら立ち寄ってみたくなるのも心情では。なん...

I went to the Nirayama Recalling Furnace!

You don't know how good your hometown really is until you get older.3月の終わりになりますが、妻のご両親とともに私の実家を訪れました。ちょうどテスラ試乗会の前の週でした。私...

Clothing for travel and casual wear, but exclusively golf wear


I will write again about the goodness of Toulouse and the Midi-Pyrenees!

写真 | ミディ・ピレネーこそフランス!というのは私の持論。The Toulouse Capitole Orchestra visited Japan!2月の終わりから3月初頭にかけて、トゥールーズ・キャピトール管弦楽団が来日していたとのこ...

Booking Insider Guide – What’s New in the Bookng.com Smartphone App

When I was writing my last travel site article, I discovered that this service was created within the Booking.com app. W...

I’d like to try autolib, I signed up as soon as I could, but…

What I want to do next time I go to Paris. This!Le site officiel Autolib' Ile De France | Autolib'Autolib' est le premie...