Sepúlveda – Tour of Spain’s most beautiful villages No.13 – ★★☆☆☆

Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GWThe most beautiful village of Spain

Date and time of visit: April 29, 2016, approximately 3:00 p.m.

Is there a bit too much difference between the website and the real thing?

Segovia province has many beautiful villages.

The second village is also in the province of Segovia. The second village is also in the province of Segovia, which is easy to visit because it is moderately dense. The second village is also in the province of Segovia, which is easy to visit because it is moderately dense, but not as dense as the most beautiful villages in France.

View from the opposite shore

Here is the view of Sebulveda where we arrived after driving on the public road for about 30 minutes from Pedrasa.

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There is a small river flowing below the village, once down to the foot of the river, cross the bridge and climb the steep hill to the center of the village. It is a little difficult to find a parking lot. We passed through the Plaza Mayor in the center of the village and found a small space at the edge of the village, about a minute’s walk from the Plaza. We parked the car here.

For some reason, the official website has a good explanation.

It seems that the Christianized townscape as we know it today was published after the Reconquista, around the 16th century. From the pamphlets I received when I visited the beautiful villages, and from the information on the websites I checked again when I came back to Japan, I found that most of the beautiful villages were formed as fortified cities by the Umayyads (Islamic dynasty) around the 10th century, and continued to be used as fortresses after the Reconquista. After the Reconquista, they continued to be used as fortresses, but churches were built and Christianized, and they developed as the population increased.

And yet, for some reason, the official site has a full explanation, and the description is very long compared to other villages!

History, art, cuisine, nature, etc. are abundant… I wondered if it was really so, but I think I can appreciate the point that they focus on sightseeing. However, we visited at siesta time (although it was 3pm!).

Plaza Mayor, I don’t know. There’s so many cars…

Now, we go down the hill from the parking lot to the beautiful square « Plaza Mayor » in the center of the village.

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But wait a minute. I’m kind of disappointed that there are so many cars…. It seems that there are several hotels here, and they seem to belong to the guests of those hotels, but even so, there are too many. It’s not so many in the picture on the website.

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There are some villages in Italy that have this feeling. As for the street parking, we are used to seeing it as one of the scenes of European country villages, but I think there is a limit. However, it is difficult to find a parking space for general visitors.

That said, the back alley and the church on the hill were lovely.

And while I was not happy, it was still equipped with the scenery to be selected as a beautiful village. Certainly the alleyways and the church on the hill were lovely.

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But even here, the inside of the church was not open to the public. As I have told you many times, this is very different from France. In the most beautiful village in France, it was less likely that we couldn’t see the inside of the church. Maybe it was because it was the time of the siesta.

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The view from the hill was nice…, a little disappointed with the weather.

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It took us about 40 minutes to arrive and take a leisurely stroll. It might be more lively in the season. Now, we are going to visit two more villages. We will hurry our journey. (Continue)
