I’ve been doing a little research on Dresden and once again I think it’s lovely.


Continuing from the other day, I would like to talk about World Heritage related topics.

Dresden, a city removed from the World Heritage List

後日詳しく書くつもりですがこの秋にドイツ旅行をすることに決めまして、その行き先を決めるがてら、先日行った訪問世界遺産の整理をしていたところ、[highlight]「ドレスデン・エルベ渓谷 」[/highlight]が、何年か前に世界遺産から除外されていることを思い出しました。私自身、このドレスデンには、2003年と2008年に訪れたことがあります。とても美しい街で、ドイツの中で一番好きな街の一つです。



After that, there were protests from nature conservation groups and a court case, but in the end, the bridge was built. If the warning had been given before the referendum, the result of the referendum might have been different, but in any case, Dresden was excluded from the World Heritage List in 2009 as UNESCO warned.

What was a World Heritage Site was not the Old Town, but actually the « Valley

ところで、世界遺産登録名をよくみると[highlight]「ドレスデン・エルベ渓谷 」[/highlight]となっています。

Elbe Valley


The present old town was reconstructed after the war. The Semperoper, which is familiar to classical music lovers, was also rebuilt in the 1980s, so even after the war, a lot of time has passed.


Dresden, Germany

Dresden air raid

I was very curious about the air raid that hit such a beautiful Dresden, so I did some research.

The air raid occurred in March 1945, as World War II was nearing its conclusion, two months before the surrender of Germany. It was an air raid by British and American allied forces.



There is a theory that the purpose of this air raid was to prevent the Soviet Union from easily reconstructing the area after the war, even if they did occupy it.

In any case, no matter how much it was during the war, it is still an unforgivable fact. And I have a feeling that we Japanese are not a stranger to this fact.

Did the inscription and removal of the World Heritage Site have an impact on Dresden?

Now, as I mentioned a little in my previous post, being selected as a World Heritage Site contributes greatly to the brand power and name recognition of the city, so from a tourism perspective, being excluded from the World Heritage Site is generally assumed to have some impact.

However, Dresden is, in the first place, one of the most popular cities in Germany where many tourists from all over the world gather, as well as one of the best art cities and traditional cities in Germany. Therefore, even if it is not a World Heritage Site, it should have enough name recognition and brand power for a long time.

How did it actually work? We checked the statistics. The following graph shows the number of visitors who stayed at least one night in the city of Dresden. Yellow represents visitors from within Germany and green represents visitors from outside of Germany.

出所:Development of Tourism in Dresden Annual Report 2012 より http://mediaserver.dresden.de/


In addition, a report generated at a different point in time showed the following trends for 2013 and 2014

出所:Facts and Data about Tourism in Dresden March 2015 より http://mediaserver.dresden.de/

Since 2010, both the number of visitors and the number of overnight stays have grown by approximately 6% to 7% annually, which is good.

By the way, is the temporary decrease in the number of visitors and overnight stays in Dresden from 2007 to 2009 due to any specific or global factors in the three years from 2007, or was it just that the number of tourists increased more than usual in 2006?

The year 2006 was the year when UNESCO issued a warning about the removal of the site, and as a result of the negative impression of the removal, the number of tourists may have decreased after 2007.

There is also another possibility: in 2007 and 2008, we had the subprime crisis and the Lehman shock. Therefore, the tourism industry in Dresden may have been affected by the macroeconomic downturn.






Dresden, I’m liking it more and more.



We need to discover more of these towns and places.

I would like to visit Dresden again for sure. And next time, I want to cross the Waldschleschen Bridge by car.


  1. ドレスデン・エルベ渓谷, wikipedia
  2. 七澤利明、「ドイツ・エルベ川における橋の建設と世界遺産 タイトルの抹消についての調査 -世界遺産の保持、環境保全、住民投票と 建設事業に関する一連の動き-」、国土交通政策研究 第89号 http://www.mlit.go.jp/pri/houkoku/gaiyou/kkk89.html
  3. 川口 マーン惠美、「ドレスデン逍遥―華麗な文化都市の破壊と再生の物語」
  4. Dresden Marketing GmbH, Development of Tourism in Dresden Annual Report 2012, http://mediaserver.dresden.de/
  5. Dresden Marketing GmbH, Facts and Data about Tourism in Dresden March 2015, http://mediaserver.dresden.de/
  6. eurostat, “Tourist accommodation establishment”, http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Glossary:Tourist_accommodation_establishment