
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

Travel to Basque Country, Spain GW 2016: a compilation

It took me about five months to write up my 2016 GW series on my trip to the Basque Country in Spain, from mid-May to mi...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.24: San Sebastian (Donostia) Part 2: Dining

Date of visit: 2 and 3 May 2016 (overnight)The City of Pinchosビスケー湾を臨むスペインでも屈指の観光地「サン・セバスティアン」は、美食の街としてもその名を轟かせています。なんとい...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.23: San Sebastian (Donostia) Part 1: Hotel, City Walking, European Capital of Culture

Date of visit: May 2 and 3, 2016 (overnight)I wish I could have stayed there for two nights... I'll start with the sight...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.21: French Basque, France’s most beautiful village tour compilation

Visit date: May 2, 2016, afternoonPeace of mind! French Basque tour.Beyond the Pyrenees into French territorySantiago de...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

GW Spain Trip 2016 No.18: Vitoria Gasteiz

I just walked around the city in a hurry, but when I examined it carefully, it looked interesting in many ways. It was d...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.17: Guernica, a small town in Basque Country

A long-awaited visit. To a small town in the Basque Country.Date and time of visit: May 1, 2016, approximately 1:00 p.m....
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

GW Spain Trip 2016 No.15: Museums in Bilbao

Date and Time of Visit: April 30, 2016 at approximately 3:00 p.m.Go to Bilbao, the city of art.To Bilbao CityFrom the in...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.14: World Heritage Tour No.8 « Vizcaya Bridge

Date and time of visit: April 30, 2016, approximately 1:00 p.m.It was the most "fun" part of the trip! It may be a world...
Most beautiful village Tour of France

La Bastide Clairence revisited – Tour of France’s most beautiful villages 2016 No.2 -★★★★☆

Date and time of visit: May 2, 2016, approximately 4:00 p.m.さて、今回も前回と同じくフランスの最も美しい村巡りのお話です。2014年に新規登録された美しい村ナヴァラン訪問の次に向か...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW trip to Basque Country, Spain, to investigate the beautiful villages and bars of Spain

photo by Keta - 投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 2.5photo by Fernando on flickr: Plaza Santillana del MarThis year's theme is "Basqu...