Spain Basque journey 2016 GW Travel to Basque Country, Spain GW 2016: a compilation It took me about five months to write up my 2016 GW series on my trip to the Basque Country in Spain, from mid-May to mi... 2016.10.22 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.24: San Sebastian (Donostia) Part 2: Dining Date of visit: 2 and 3 May 2016 (overnight)The City of Pinchosビスケー湾を臨むスペインでも屈指の観光地「サン・セバスティアン」は、美食の街としてもその名を轟かせています。なんとい... 2016.09.12 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.23: San Sebastian (Donostia) Part 1: Hotel, City Walking, European Capital of Culture Date of visit: May 2 and 3, 2016 (overnight)I wish I could have stayed there for two nights... I'll start with the sight... 2016.09.11 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.21: French Basque, France’s most beautiful village tour compilation Visit date: May 2, 2016, afternoonPeace of mind! French Basque tour.Beyond the Pyrenees into French territorySantiago de... 2016.09.04 Spain Basque journey 2016 GWThe most beautiful villages of France
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW GW Spain Trip 2016 No.18: Vitoria Gasteiz I just walked around the city in a hurry, but when I examined it carefully, it looked interesting in many ways. It was d... 2016.09.01 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.17: Guernica, a small town in Basque Country A long-awaited visit. To a small town in the Basque Country.Date and time of visit: May 1, 2016, approximately 1:00 p.m.... 2016.08.30 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW GW Spain Trip 2016 No.15: Museums in Bilbao Date and Time of Visit: April 30, 2016 at approximately 3:00 p.m.Go to Bilbao, the city of art.To Bilbao CityFrom the in... 2016.08.24 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.14: World Heritage Tour No.8 « Vizcaya Bridge Date and time of visit: April 30, 2016, approximately 1:00 p.m.It was the most "fun" part of the trip! It may be a world... 2016.08.22 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Most beautiful village Tour of France La Bastide Clairence revisited – Tour of France’s most beautiful villages 2016 No.2 -★★★★☆ Date and time of visit: May 2, 2016, approximately 4:00 p.m.さて、今回も前回と同じくフランスの最も美しい村巡りのお話です。2014年に新規登録された美しい村ナヴァラン訪問の次に向か... 2016.05.13 Most beautiful village Tour of FranceThe most beautiful villages of France
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW trip to Basque Country, Spain, to investigate the beautiful villages and bars of Spain photo by Keta - 投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 2.5photo by Fernando on flickr: Plaza Santillana del MarThis year's theme is "Basqu... 2016.03.05 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW