Buy Aperture 3 from the Mac App Store, and it smells dangerous too…


一昨日の深夜だったと思います。ついに待望の「Mac App Store」が開店!

App Store
プライバシー、セキュリティ、コンテンツの面で、Appleの高い基準を満たしたアプリが見つかる。そんな安全かつ信頼できる場所をApp Storeは世界中の人たちのために用意しています。

It gradually became a topic on twitter TL from around 9 or 10 pm that night, but I didn’t know how to access it at first. However, I updated my OS to the latest version and solved the problem.


Mac App Storeからアプリをダウンロードする方法 : MacBank -Mac App Storeのおすすめアプリ-

By the way, it was the first time for me to update Mac OS, but it was very smooth and I felt the difference with a certain OS again. It’s really good.

So I took a quick look to see what kind of apps are available. It’s just that they’re just starting out, but there’s not much to choose from. I had already installed Evernote, so I downloaded and installed Twitter for Mac first.

Also, I was interested in Apple genuine software such as Pages and Keynote. But I already have them because I bought them together with this MacBook Pro when I bought it. The only thing that seems to be missing is « Aperture 3 ».

Ehhh, 9,000 yen? Seriously! I’ll have to buy this one!

To tell the truth, I had already installed Photoshop LightRoom 3 which I am used to using for RAW development software, but I bought it with the meaning of comparison, and also taking into consideration the desktop Mac which I will buy in the near future anyway.

I haven’t figured out how to use it much yet, but it doesn’t seem that different from LR. What I didn’t like about using it quickly was that the speed of exporting to JPEG was slow. Maybe it’s just a coincidence…

I’d like to try and compare the differences in quality.

Even so, it’s great to be able to easily purchase such high-performance software at home at any time. On the other hand, I’m afraid that I’m going to get carried away and start popping this and that (laughs).

Well, I’ll be firm about that! I have high hopes for the future of the Mac App Store!
