I bought the Just Mobile Gum Plus portable battery.



It’s not an Apple product, but it’s an iPhone-related story. It’s a portable battery. When I went to Shizuoka on Saturday, I was told about it by a friend of mine who is a member of the grain orchestra, and it looked so good that I opened up my MacBook Pro in front of the concert hall and bought one at the Apple Store right away (lol).


Just Mobile Gum Plus ポータブルバッテリー

Just Mobile Gum Plusは、iPodやiPhone、iPadなどを充電可能な大容量のポータブルバッテリーです。Just Mobile Gum Plusは、外部電源としては珍しくアップルの「Works with iPhone」「Made for iPod」を取得しています。また、ハイパワーUSBに対応しているのでiPadの充電に対応しているだけでなく、1時間ほどでiPhoneを90%近くまで急速に充電することも可能です。

This is great!!!


It also comes with its own bag and the two familiar USB cables. The length of these cables is also moderate.

