

Congrats on getting in!

今日は会社の同僚がお子さんの入学式に出席するためお休みしています。I joined my current company as a mid-career employee just six years ago in August, and ...

Blog theme, change to responsive design: use Reverie

Renewed the blog design for the first time in about 4 years.It's responsive after all these years.We have adopted this f...

Frippan, it’s finally here… but it seems like a hype (lie) that it’ll be delivered the next month or 7.

I signed up for this a long time ago. after all this forgetting? It has arrived.But...What, just one, and it's a boat ra...

I went to a chocolate exhibition.

Last weekend, I went to the special exhibition "Chocolate Exhibition" held at the National Museum of Nature and Science ...

Towels and Socks Preparing for the 2% inflation target

すっごい適当なタイトルですが、単なる買い物履歴です(笑)There are a lot of things that go into Abenomics, but the universal irony is that there is n...

This beef stew is very authentic even though it’s a super random recipe.

Well, at the end of the year, I took the time to make beef stew, and I was surprised to find that it was very authentic,...

Happy New Year 2013! I’m going to set my annual goals for this year.

Happy New Year!We look forward to working with you this year.I'm spending this holiday season relaxing at home.At the en...

2012 Year in Review: Blog Statistics Number of Page Views and Time Spent by Visit

I will continue to look at the blog statistics of this year as a summary of 2012. (Here are the stats from Google Analyt...

2012 Year in Review: Blog Statistical Data Edition

2012年も残りあと僅か。昨年同様、毎年行なっているblog1年のgeneralizeを、アクセス関連データを利用して行なってみたいと思います。First of all, the first edition of the blog stat...

I got a pass card for 20% off! Would you like to go to Miss Do? A gift from Mr. Duskin

I got this today, yay yay yay! It's only for a limited time, but it's supposed to be 20% off for about 3 months, isn't t...

Enoshima, the new lookout lighthouse was a thrill compared to the old one…

I'm yuu-koma, an excitable person in high places. Good evening!On the last day of the consecutive holidays, I wanted to ...

I went to Sankeien.

On the middle day of the consecutive holidays when it became much colder, I went to Sankeien in Yokohama for lunch and a...

Time difference between Greece and France that I didn’t notice because of my iPhone

便利な機能にも思わぬ落とし穴が…。I was flying from Paris to Athens. The screenshot above is the flight time, but it took 5 hours to get ...

World Heritage Site Visit List October 2012

Now, I'll update the list of world heritage sites to visit after the trip.This time, six locations in Greece have been a...

Hotcakes, sandwiches, ice cream.

I've been seeing this "Hot Cake Sandwich Ice Cream" at my local convenience store since around last week.ホットケーキサンドアイス│モ...