Oita Travel by ANA Rakupaku No.1



I also go on domestic trips.

It snowed on the way and we were forced to drive on snow-covered roads that we were not used to, but I think we had a peaceful and smooth trip all the way.

By the way, Oita is full of delicious food. Of course, the hot springs were wonderful. Next time I would like to go there more slowly.

Apply from ANA Rakuraku Pack

This is the first time I’ve used this pack:.

ANA楽パック 国内(航空券+宿)格安ツアー【楽天トラベル】 http://travel.rakuten.co.jp/package/ana/

It was very good. This plan…

  1. 羽田空港-大分空港往復航空券
  2. 2日間のレンタカー
  3. 高級温泉旅館1泊、夕食朝食付き




The process of discovering this ANA easy pack a little more precisely.

  • 「都内でのリッチなお食事でも」
  • 「上記理由でNG」
  • 「車で行けるそこそこ近場の温泉」
  • 「わりと行ってるし意外と高くてNG」
  • 「いっそまだ僕があまり行ったことのない九州とかの格安ツアーとかないかね」
  • 「"大分 格安 航空券 温泉"的な感じでググったら、ANA楽パックをネットで発見」

So, that’s a quick decision!

I didn’t expect to rent a car with normal tires…

Now, to the travelogue specifically. It’s just a normal trip to Haneda to get on the plane, so I’ll skip the whole process at once (laughs).

And the car rental company is not a big company (like Toyota or Nissan), but a local car rental company. Well, that’s all right, but suddenly there was a problem. As you can see in the subtitle, it was winter when it might snow, but they gave us normal tires….

「で、なんとかなります?」とのある意味無茶ぶりも無駄でして、仕方なく1,500円払って万一のことを備えてチェーンを借り、一応つけ方も教わり(※ 私雪など滅多に降らない土地の出身のため、雪道を走るという発想がなく、よってチェーンなど装着した経験はゼロ)、出発です。

Thanks to you, I had a good experience.

Automatics, I hate them, but in Japan, we have no choice.

