What I try to do when I wake up


When I look at Twitter, I see that everyone always looks very sleepy on weekdays, and there is hardly a day when I don’t see a tweet about being sleepy.

But it doesn’t seem like everyone is always so busy that they don’t get much sleep.

I don’t know exactly what the medical physiological basis for this is, but I think it ultimately depends a lot on how you sleep and how you wake up.

Maybe it’s because I’ve always been very conscious about waking up, but I rarely have trouble waking up or feel sleepy for a while after waking up in the morning.

Probably because I am strongly aware of and observe the « REM non-REM sleep cycle » on a daily basis.

I think there are many people who know about the « REM non-REM sleep cycle », but although it is said to be about 1.5 hours here, it is more difficult to know how to be aware of it specifically. In the first place, there are individual differences, of course, because it depends on the season and age.

By the way, I’ve been doing the following since I was a little girl.

  • 遮光カーテンや雨戸を閉めない
  • 寝る前に時間を必ず確認する
  • 目がぱっと覚めたとき、明るかったら必ず時間を確認する
  • そのときに、必ず寝てから何時間たったのか具体的に計算する
  • さらにそのときに空の明るさを覚えておくように心がける

This way, you can roughly predict how many hours of sleep you could get depending on the height of the day and your sleep status, and what your unique REM-non-REM sleep cycle is.

It is especially important to do this whenever you « wake up ».

I think that this is the only way to understand my REM non-REM cycle. However, when I wake up, if it is dark, I basically do not do the above act as much as possible. This is because I feel that turning on the light or even the light of the iPhone display stimulates my eyes and brain and prevents me from sleeping peacefully afterwards.

I have been living like this for decades, so I am able to wake up properly in the morning, act quickly, and rarely fall asleep during the day.

