July 2016 – France – Impressionism and Gourmet Travel – Chapter 0: Introduction

July 2016 France "Impressionism and the journey of gourmet"
July 2016 France "Impressionism and the journey of gourmet"

Date of visit: July 14 – July 25, 2016

Impressionism and Gourmet Travel » series in France starts!

I’ve finally just finished documenting my 2016 GW Spain trip, and two months later I exercised my vacation rights for the second time and went to France. I’ll be starting a series of posts about this soon.

Now, this is the introduction. I’m going to introduce the brief structure of this series and how to proceed.

I have decided to structure this series in three chapters as follows.

  • Chapter 1: Normandy Tourism and the Impressionist Festival
  • Chapter 2: Tour of Michelin-starred restaurants in the region
  • Chapter 3: The final stage of the Tour de France and sightseeing around the country

Chapter 1: Normandy Tourism and the Impressionist Festival

For the first three days of my trip, before joining my wife, I visited the Normandy region, which I hadn’t actually traveled much in.

当初の主な目的は、ノルマンディ上陸作戦で激戦地となった場所とそのにある博物館への訪問でしたが、もう一つ、今年で第3回目となると比較的新しいイベント「印象派フェスティバル(le festival de l'impressionniste)」巡りも目的の一つでした。実際には、この印象派フェスティバルが予想以上に充実していたので、第1章の多くの投稿がこの印象派フェスティバル関連の投稿となります。なお、この印象派フェスティバルは、ノルマンディ地方以外でも、パリそしてジュラ県の方でも関連イベントがありましたので、こちらもこの章で紹介いたします。

Chapter 2: Tour of Michelin-starred restaurants in the region

This is the stage after I joined my wife. For about a week, I went on a daily tour of auberges and restaurants in the French provinces. I’m going to introduce not only the cuisine, but also how to make a reservation at a restaurant, and in the case of an auberge, the accommodations, as well as the region and city. The last part of the tour was spent in Paris, where we also visited some wonderful and delicious restaurants.

Chapter 3: The final stage of the Tour de France and sightseeing around the country

2016 France highlight 20160724-_MG_9042

The last chapter is mainly about sightseeing. This chapter is not part of the Normandy chapter of chapter 1, but the sightseeing chapter after I met up with my wife. There are a lot of things to do such as visiting castles in Loire and wine vineyards in Burgundy. However, the biggest sightseeing is the final stage of the Tour de France. Here is a report on how we made arrangements and what happened on the day.

