
02.IT related

The site layout has been changed, and the past articles are being organized and their use is being enhanced.

あけましておめでとうございます。本年も当サイトをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。This year's year-end and New Year's holidays were blessed with warm and sunny we...

We’ve been here 10 years.

This blog, which I started casually in April 2005 to keep track of my job search and travels, is now in its 10th year.Ov...
The most beautiful villages of France

« I made a list of the most beautiful villages in France by region.

I made a list of "The most beautiful villages in France by region".The Most Beautiful Villages in France List by Region ...
02.IT related

Massive attack on WordPress sites all over the world. xserver’s response

先週の水曜日ころかなー、自分が普段お世話になっているレンタルサーバー屋さん「xserver」さんからこんなご案内が。━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ To improve the security of...

Blog theme, change to responsive design: use Reverie

Renewed the blog design for the first time in about 4 years.It's responsive after all these years.We have adopted this f...
02.IT related

Embedding twitter seems to be easier New in WordPress 3.4.1

I saw the announcement of the update to WordPress 3.4.1.What I thought was particularly nice was the "twitter embedding"...
02.IT related

Just 3 years of using WordPress and Twitter

March 2009, when I was busy preparing for the Tokyo Marathon, was a very important month in terms of shaping my lifestyl...

Recently introduced WordPress plugins Tweet Old Post and Similar Posts

It's been a while since I've had a WordPress story.I introduced some new plugins while I was organizing the plugins a bi...

I’ve got a lot of stuff to blog about…

In the latter half of November, I've been busy with a lot of things, though it's just for fun, and I've accumulated a lo...

"ecto": I installed a blog editor for Mac.

Macにして大きく変わったことのひとつはPCクライアントを多用するようになったことです。There is Evernote for Windows, and it doesn't change the usability that much...

iPhone App: Analytics Pro is so easy to use!

このブログではアクセス解析ツールとして「Google Analytics」を利用しています。まあ個人ブログなので多いときで一日400ページを超える程度、平均して200から300程度のページビューです。Well, because it is ...

Test Posting from Surupuro for iPhone

評判が良さそうなので早速試してみました。Can we have some pictures?You can also insert photos freely and it's pretty good♪Posted from するぷろ fo...

Minor changes to the WordPress theme (showing excerpts on each page, thumbnails, etc.)

It's been a while since I've tweaked my WordPress theme. This time, the changes are as follows. トップページ、カテゴリページ、タグページを抜粋表...


2010 France

旅行記サイトを作っています iPadで見るとこんな感じ?
