Recently introduced WordPress plugins Tweet Old Post and Similar Posts


It’s been a while since I’ve had a WordPress story.

I introduced some new plugins while I was organizing the plugins a bit.

Tweet Old Post

I’ve been doing these automated tweets periodically lately.

これは、「Tweet Old Post」というプラグインを利用して行なっているものです。

You can set various details.

The way of setting is very simple, so I don’t think I need to explain it in detail. Please try to use it appropriately.

Similar Posts

And one more thing.

過去の自分の投稿記事の中から関連記事を自動的にピックアップして表示してくれるという「Similar Posts」プラグインもいれてみました。

It’s something like this.

なお、これを使うためには「Post-Plugin Library」もあわせてインストールしておく必要があります。

There have been several plugins for this kind of thing in the past, but many of them became obsolete as WordPress was upgraded, so I haven’t installed this kind of plugin for a while.

I did a lot of research on the internet and recently decided to install this plugin because it seemed to have a good reputation.

