

Expedia customer support (phone) was very good.

よりChange of air ticket schedule to go to the Vienna Philharmonic at the end of the yearIn my last post, I talked about h...

But World Heritage: Newly registered in 2015, check where you have visited.

過去訪れた世界遺産のリスト | my lifelog 世界遺産、納得の行くところから「どうしてここが?」というところまで様々とはいえ、やっぱり旅行していて近くに世界遺産があったら立ち寄ってみたくなるのも心情では。なん...

I went to the Nirayama Recalling Furnace!

You don't know how good your hometown really is until you get older.3月の終わりになりますが、妻のご両親とともに私の実家を訪れました。ちょうどテスラ試乗会の前の週でした。私...

Clothing for travel and casual wear, but exclusively golf wear


I will write again about the goodness of Toulouse and the Midi-Pyrenees!

写真 | ミディ・ピレネーこそフランス!というのは私の持論。The Toulouse Capitole Orchestra visited Japan!2月の終わりから3月初頭にかけて、トゥールーズ・キャピトール管弦楽団が来日していたとのこ...

Celebrating World Heritage recognition! Tomioka Silk Mill I was there in March 2014.

I know this is a bit of a hot topic, but congrats on your World Heritage status!> 富岡製糸場と絹産業遺産群 - WikipediaI remembere...

I was a « Genius » on, and it’s perpetual!

It seems to have been around for quite a while, and I've benefited from it without even knowing it, but when I looked it...

Sudden Hakone Short Trip – Hakone-Yumoto/Tanosawa Onsen Yamanouchaya

At the beginning of this week, I had a sudden idea to go and carry it. Yesterday, Friday, I left work early at around 16...
10. Hobby General

Golden threadfin bream at Choshi

先日ふと思い立って銚子へ。I don't know why I went to Choshi, but I wanted to go there irresistibly.I'm going to enjoy my lunch!Sashim...
2013 for France

I tried to set up « Konkoko Now! I set up « proxy ».

これも旅行準備の一環。I put the proxy under my domain. download Imakoko Now! read the README.txt in Zip and tweaked things.ちなみに自分が使...

Almost the same, slightly to the west but two hours earlier – time difference story continued

時差の話を引き続き。A picture of the monitor taken on the plane on the way back, about two hours before arrival in Japan.This day'...

Time difference between Greece and France that I didn’t notice because of my iPhone

便利な機能にも思わぬ落とし穴が…。I was flying from Paris to Athens. The screenshot above is the flight time, but it took 5 hours to get ...
2012 Spain pre

CITROEN EURO PASS » It’s great, but I couldn’t get it in time… -2012 Preparation for France and Spain No.11

This plan suddenly popped up in my Facebook news feed.“『CITROEN EURO PASS(シトロエン・ユーロパス』” ën Euro Pass - Your local repres...
2012 Spain pre

My luggage is almost ready. I’ll be lighter than usual this time – 2012 France and Spain Preparation No.9

Now, it's still more than a week away, but as I mentioned earlier, it's only this weekend that I'll be ready, so I prepa...

最近お気に入りのiPhoneアプリ – Booking.comとAmazon JP

フルートレッスン日誌は書いてたけど、日記は少しご無沙汰だったかな。最近の近況は結構twitterでつぶやいている通りでして、お盆の両親と行くドイツ旅行やAdobe CS5の購入など、改めて日記で書こうと思っているネタもあるなか、今日はそれら...