I bought a reasonably priced copy of the score for « Richard Strauss Horn Concerto No. 1 » at Amazon.com, but…
ISR(ホルン) リヒャルトシュトラウス ホルン協奏曲 第1番 変ホ長調 作品11 (ISR HORN)
It was a horn solo score and a piano accompaniment score…
But it might have been better, because it was easier to follow the whole accompaniment and the solo at the same time. « It says, « Here is the name of the instrument or the string playing.
It’s not pocket-sized, so carrying it around might be a hassle…
Also, the horn solo score is sometimes surprisingly good.
I used to play the horn & I have one (on loan), so I might try playing it for fun sometime.
The tchotchkes continue further. I also bought the soundtrack on iTunes, but what a piano accompaniment recording…. I bought too much at random….
But Babolak is too good to be true, so this is very much worth it!