Reason #1



It all started last summer when our TV broke down.

I don’t know the cause of the malfunction. I was shocked at first. This TV is not so old, and it is compatible with terrestrial digital broadcasting. However, I thought that it would cost a lot of money to buy a new TV, so I would have to put up with it for a while.

Surprisingly, however, I haven’t had any trouble without the TV. Rather, the house has become quieter, and because I now have to think and do something in order to spend my time, I have more time to read books and reflect on myself, which is very meaningful. For example, I was able to read a lot of the « Romans » series, which I’ve been meaning to read for a long time. (I haven’t finished it yet, but…)

This is one way to go.

もうひとつは、「Google Reader活用による脱新聞」です。僕は証券会社、金融機関に勤務ということもあって、日々の経済動向を知るためにはやはりメディアからの情報収集しておくことは、日課でもありこの世界では常識でもあります。しかし、何年も「日経新聞」を読んでいると、解説記事の不十分だったりすることに気がつきます。不十分というか何か変な「くせ」みたいなものがあり、このくせがどうも合理的でないというか客観性にかけるというか、とにかく日本語として「上手」では決してないのです。実は、言いたいことを明確に表現できていないのではないか、と思うのです。

Aside from other general newspapers, Japan’s leading business newspaper was in this state, so I was fed up with it.

ジャーナリズム崩壊 (幻冬舎新書)という本を読んだ影響もあります。

On the other hand, if you are in the financial world, there are media outlets such as « Reuters » and « Bloomberg » that publish news specializing in finance. Both of them are news media with strong breaking news, but they also have a lot of down-to-earth explanatory articles. In other words, they are full of more professional information.

Both are foreign-owned (British and American), so it goes without saying that they have a wealth of global news, not limited to Japan, but the best part is that they also focus on the « web.

以上を踏まえて、これからは思い切って、「脱新聞」を目指し、ウェブ中心に生きてみよう、そう考えました。そこで、今までなんとなくやっていたRSSリーダーを強化するべく各社のRSSリーダーを比較したところ、圧倒的にGoogle Readerが使いやすいことに気がつきました。

So I tried to start a life without looking at any newspapers, but I realized that there were many problems in my current environment.

(Continued in Part 2)

