I will perform at Orchestra Valse vol.5.


ジブリ音楽を愛する人たちが集うアマチュアメンバーを中心に結成されたOrchestra Valse(オーケストラバルス)の5回目にオーケストラのメンバーとして出演します。私個人としてはVol.3以来、4回目の出演となります。今回は原点回帰「ラピュタ」を演奏します。


Originally, Orchestra Bals was born when the desire to play the music in the play of Laputa was gathered (that’s why the name of the orchestra is Bals), and « Symphony Suite: Castle in the Sky » has already been played in Vol.1 to commemorate the event. However, it seems to evolve further this time and to become great.

Awesome #1: « It’s a grand arrangement that’s more true to the original. »

I can’t write much about it because it would spoil it, but this looks awesome. Again, it’s First Violin, but the binding was tough.


Amazing #2: « We’re playing at Orchard Hall. »

It’s where that countdown concert is held! And it’s Shibuya, so it’s close by. The location is extremely important in attracting customers. I’ve listened to the concert twice in this hall, and I remember the acoustics were very good.

Amazing #3: « You can meet the descendants of Laputa, Colonel Musca and Sita. »

I want to be abused by Colonel Musca! But I’ll do my best not to be told, « Listen, the performance is rubbish.

