It’s a Mac story every day, but this time I installed a flickr client. By the way, I forgot about it, but it seems to exist, so I googled it and found it immediately.
You can buy it from the Mac App Store here.

It syncs and displays the thumbnails of the photos you have already uploaded like this. If it is a desktop, home internet environment, it is very comfortable. It runs quite crispy.
I think this app is really good for people who are used to using a trackpad. « It’s a shame that the bottom swipe (three fingers) downloads the original size photo, but other than that, it’s very intuitive to use.
As you can see, you can change the attributes of a photo that has already been uploaded.
I actually want to do something about geotagging because I rarely do it, but changing it on a web browser is a bit too heavy. So I’d like to use such a PC client to do it efficiently.
And uploading photos is easy! Just choose Upload from the menu on the left side of the window, then open Finder and drag and drop the photos you want to upload.
When you are able to drop the photo, press the upload button at the bottom right of the window. This will start the upload. This also doesn’t need flckrUploader.
The process of uploading a photo is quite interesting. As the upload progresses, the image gradually becomes clearer and clearer.
However, at the stage of upload, the tag is attached but it cannot be added to the set. However, you can add photos to the set through the « MY FLICKR > Photos » screen after the upload is finished. This is also easy to operate!
とにかく使った感想は早くて快適、シンプルで直感的で使いやすい、です。いやあMacっていいクライアント、アプリがいっぱいありそうですね。このflickeryはMacBook Proにもいれておこうと思います。