essay Snaplite is very stylish and works great with the iPhone app! ちょっと散財の話題を。「SnapLite」を買いました。I think I made a good purchase. Very satisfied.SnapLite - Smart lighting that turns your iPh... 2016.03.07 essay
Apple Apple Watch, I’m buying it. March 9, there was an announcement about the rumored AppleWatch.I know this is out of the blue, but I'm buying it.The d... 2015.03.10 AppleiPhone
02.IT related ScanSnap iX100 I bought this on the spur of the moment. The hardware& iOS app is great, but too many apps to install on a Mac… ついうっかりAmazonにて購入してました。FUJITSU ScanSnap iX100 Wi-Fi・バッテリー搭載スキャナ FI-IX100. I was so inspired by this article...無駄に海外旅行へSca... 2014.06.24 02.IT relatedgadget
02.IT related Narrative Clip, a lifelogging camera, tested for marathon use I finally tested a lifelogging camera called "Narrative Clip" the other day, which I ordered in March and received in mi... 2014.06.16 02.IT relatedgadgetMedoc Marathon 2014
2013 for France Contour GPS & Camera Mounts: In-Car Camera Testing – 2013France Preparation It's the end of March. Golden Week is just over a month away. Of course, I'm going on a trip to Europe again this year, ... 2013.03.31 2013 for Francecar
gadget I’ve never seen Poken before! I've just started Poken. I'm a gadget lover, so I knew it existed, but I didn't start it yet.It was on sale at the event... 2010.12.27 gadgetiPhone