Studying the Medoc wines #Medoc Marathon 2014

Medoc Marathon 2014
Medoc Marathon 2014running

It seems that this kind of learning ability is still alive and well, even though you don’t work or study hard enough.

This time, I’ve transcribed the « Chateau List » entered in the Medoc Marathon into a Google Spreadsheet, and I’m learning every day where to find chateaus like Don.

I feel that I’m getting more familiar with geography and wine as I go along.

Wine, for better or worse, has an image of being a bit « expensive », and starting with the bubble economy, there was a celebrity atmosphere, and wine lovers became the target of a bit of backlash, such as « getting carried away » or « acting bourgeois ».

I think there are many reasons for this, and there are many people who say so. Certainly, when I see people who smell like a bubble and celebrities who buy and drink super high quality wine, I understand why they want to say a few words.

However, wine has a lot of history, culture and taste. You can enjoy it just by tasting it, or you can enjoy it with a little study and knowledge.

It’s such a wonderful drink.

To be honest, I’m not a big wine drinker either. I guess I still don’t. But I’m learning about it from different angles.

Studying is just a hobby, though.

Since I’m going to be participating in the Medoc Marathon, I’m taking the opportunity to use some of my bonus time to study the « drink » in order to learn as much as I can in advance based on the course layout and the location of the wine chateaux in the Medoc.

It’s expensive to drink it outside, so I buy it at home and drink it. Even so, it’s quite an expense (laughs).

I’ll be following this investigation for a little while longer (fun!)

Whenever I go to a French bistro, I try to choose a Medoc wine whenever possible. It’s a bit expensive, but…

And although I don’t have much of a « vocabulary », I record pictures and my impressions of each drink in Evernote.



This article I wrote just before is part of that.

メドックマラソン 2014 タイムスケジュール案策定 #メドックマラソン2014 | my lifelog




It was not merely a delicious and fun experience at the time, but also a great asset for me to learn the tricks of the trade.

Of course, knowledge from books is also important. I also buy books from time to time.

FINE WINEシリーズ ボルドー

オール・アバウト・メドック 生産者&ワインガイド

After all, information from a third party is essential to acquire deeper knowledge. Therefore, reading is important.

However, it is difficult to acquire knowledge by suddenly reading a book or taking a qualification. You have to learn how to relate it by actually visiting the area on a trip or participating in a marathon. By learning these tricks, you can deepen your knowledge more easily.

And once you get the hang of it, your knowledge deepens in a chain reaction.

Again, in my case…

  1. とりあえず、深く考えず「記録」する方法を確立する
  2. 単独の事象で捉えず「地理」などと関連付けるなど、自分の体験とリンクさせる。
  3. 地道に続ける

I study every day in this way.

Perhaps because of this, I had no idea about Medoc wines at the beginning, but nowadays, when I am told the name of a Chateau in the Medoc, I can say something like « this is a wine from where ».

(laughs) But not too much, though.

Come on, let’s learn more!

FINE WINEシリーズ ボルドー

James Lowther Hiroshi Yamamoto


産調出版 2011-10-19

Sales Ranking : 210385

Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools

オール・アバウト・メドック 生産者&ワインガイド

Satoru Mori


小学館 2011-11-25

Sales Ranking : 513795

Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools
