※Turnne 20100430-IMG_5946
This year’s trip will leave earlier than usual due to the fact that I’ll be using the « refreshing vacation » system for the first time. So, actually, it’s already less than three weeks until the departure.
As I mentioned before, we are preparing not only the « hardware » like luggage, but also the « software » like geographic confirmation of the destination.
Today I’m going to show you one of those soft preparations that you can use here.
訪問場所については、Google マイマップだけでなくfoursquareにおける準備をしておきます。
Venue Search and Registration
The first step is to find a Venue. Some of the villages are already registered, but the number is very small and most of them are not registered yet.
So, the first step is to register for Venue. You can register by filling out the form like this.
これは以前東京マラソンの時にもやった作業ですね。(ご参考:foursquare 東京マラソン用にVenue登録してみた)
It’s a very small village, so I’ll register the whole village name. For the prefecture, I used the so-called « French postal code » + « France ».
To-Do List Registration
And from this time, I decided to use the new « ToDo List Registration » in foursquare. What is it? If you look at Venue on PC version, it looks like this
There is a button called « ADD TO MY TO-DO LIST » in the upper right corner. The shape is a little different, but it’s here.
When you are logged in and click this button, as the name suggests, this Venue will be added to your to-do list.
This is what it looks like on an iPhone.
This way, you can check in immediately when you get there. I think it’s very convenient because it can be a reminder list.
However, you have to register them one by one, so it’s quite a hassle… At the moment, I’m only about halfway done. I’m going to register little by little before my departure.
Note that you can only see this list on the mobile app (iPhone in my case).