I heard he had a traffic ticket in Italy.

201405 ItalyEuropean traffic violation

There was a letter in the post today, sent from an Italian car rental company. I wondered what it was, if it was that? So I opened it.

Looks like you’re speeding. Premonition.

I see in your cover letter.

あとでゆっくり調べると、“traffic fine notification” = 「交通違反通知」ということのようです。ふおお、英語って難しい…。罰金額、手数料、郵送料等含めて合計50ユーロ+V.A.Tの請求がカードにされるそうです。まずイタリアの当局がレンタカー会社に請求、一旦お支払いしたのでしょう、その金額+αを僕に請求、という流れ。これはイギリスの時の交通違反と同じ構図でした。

It’s a traffic ticket, but it’s all in Italian and I don’t really understand it.


I know where it is, if you read the documentation carefully, but I think I know where it is, because I wasn’t running with one car, so it must have been uprooted.

However, it should not be more than 10km over the European road. Even if there is some blur, it should be ±5km at most. Because it is fast enough.
