Date and Time of Visit: July 19, 2017, approximately 4:00 p.m.
Luxembourg, the southernmost village in Walloon, the scenery in this area is particularly beautiful. To be honest, this is the only thing to see in Chassepierre. Other than that, there was not much to see. However, this view is indeed miraculously beautiful! It’s well worth a visit just to see it.
Finding a parking space was somewhat of a challenge. There was none in the village. However, just outside the village was such a scene. There were many spaces around where cars could be parked.

The top image is of the bridge leading to this village and the view of the village from this stream. It is definitely the most impressive scene in the most beautiful village of Walloon. It is often used in the introduction of the most beautiful village in Walloon. The church in the center was built in the early 17th century.

However, as I mentioned above, the top image is so beautiful, while the rest of the scene, the scene inside the village, is not so good to be honest.

To be honest, I was disappointed by this gap. Nevertheless, I gave it an overall rating of 4 stars for the beauty of the overall view of the village.