
05. Music

Absolute Sound Miscellaneous 2014

このブログでも過去何度か触れている話題。I also have what is called "absolute pitch" because I learned to play the piano from the age of thre...

Genius, mediocrity and perfectionism

先日目にしたネット記事。完璧主義の治し方 - 脱社畜ブログ really think you're right.However, when I was in university, I noticed that the study met...

If you want to write something down but can’t publish it, this is the best DayOne.

DayOne is still alive and well, although I use it less often than before.Tag feature on photos. You can even geologize t...

I used the NAVER summary.

昨年あたりでしょうか、NAVER経由による当blogへのアクセスが目立つようになってきていまして、すごく気になっていたんです。So, I immediately tried to use this NAVER summary.I've be...

What I try to do when I wake up

When I look at Twitter, I see that everyone always looks very sleepy on weekdays, and there is hardly a day when I don't...

Weekend, hanging out in Shimokitazawa

Last Saturday, I went to Shimokitazawa for the first time in a while to see my friend's live performance.I think this is...

I’ve been blogging for 9 years now!

The first entry of every April has been titled "My first blog" for a while now.I set goals and reflect on them from time...

Ekiado, I thought it would be a « real » spam flyer filter…

To be honest, I don't even feel annoyed by spam anymore, thanks to Gmail and Google Sensei.However, when I come home, I ...

Internet and Election

The House of Representatives election reminds me of 2009. Before the election, there were still a few politicians who us...

On the importance of philosophy as seen through annoying advertisements

ネットをやっていて特にうっとうしいとおもうのは、RSSフィードに挟み込まれる広告とポップアップ広告、なんといってもこの2つ。Whenever I see it, I think of Google's philosophy, and thi...

Next week is the release of Beaujolais Nouveau, and we want to let you know where it is, etc.

To be honest, I don't like it very much, but next week, Thursday, November 15, is the day when the "Beaujolais Nouveau" ...

« Why do I have fewer opportunities to drive a car?

フランス、バスク地方、アイノア郊外のロン・ポワン(ラウンドアバウト) -2011年4月撮影The reason why I've always loved traveling in Europe and why I've only been...

Miscellaneous: I don’t like economics textbooks because they are written in such a way that « formulas = memorization ».

少々偏見混じりのレベルの低い雑感です。あらかじめ断っておくことにします。Well, I'm yukoma, and recently I'm often thought of as a humanities person. "It's no...

« That’s that, this is that. »

こちらは京都大学11月祭で過去に採用された統一テーマの一つ。In the first place, it's a word that was chosen for the unifying theme of "Whatever," so i...

Almost the same, slightly to the west but two hours earlier – time difference story continued

時差の話を引き続き。A picture of the monitor taken on the plane on the way back, about two hours before arrival in Japan.This day'...