The number of European driving friends may be gradually increasing – from recent web interactions



la couvertoirade 20100427-IMG_4088

europe driving | my lifelog

A contact from a couple we met in a beautiful village two years ago

4travel is quite neglected these days, but the other day I received an email that I rarely receive.

The sender is from a couple we met by chance at « Conques » two years ago.

By the way, Conch is a village like this.

Conques 20100428-IMG_4556

(From my diary at the time)

When I was having dinner at the hotel, I heard Japanese at the next table. It’s true that this place is famous as a sightseeing spot, but it’s in the mountains and there’s no public transportation, so you can’t come here unless you rent a car. Are you a resident here? But he was not, he was a tourist like me. The other person seemed to think so, too.

When I talked to them, they seemed to be doing the same route as me. I was very impressed that they were so advanced to visit the Dordogne region on their Golden Week trip.

He was going to stay for three nights in the old town of Sarlat in the Dordogne from tomorrow. I had a plan to visit there in a couple of days, so we promised to have a dinner again.

Conques(コンク)- フランスで最も美しい村巡り2010 No.2- | my lifelog

After I came back to Japan, we communicated by e-mail, but he lost my e-mail address because of his PC trouble. Fortunately, he knew my 4travel page and he contacted me from there.

Basically, this couple’s style is that the wife makes the plan and the husband drives. The wife uses Google Maps and TripAdvisor to make her original travel plans in detail.

Until now, he had planned his trip in Japan and printed out a map before he left, but he felt that there were limits to the paper-based information, so he bought an iPad this time.

So he contacted me by email to ask me some questions, because I have been traveling with my iPhone for two years.

This wife has already used Google Maps and other services, so I didn’t have much advice to give her. At best, I could only tell her about my experience with the reception and battery life.

Even though he is much older than us, I take off my hat to him for his aggressive attitude to travel.

In-depth Q&A with 4travel

Fortravel has a « Q&A Board » and you will receive an email when a new thread is started in the Q&A Board related to the area of the article you have posted.

I think it was last month that a new question like this was posted.

南仏をレンタカーで観光したいのですが…。 – Q&A詳細 – 旅行のクチコミサイト フォートラベル

I was just there last October, and I’m glad to see more and more people taking this kind of road trip in Europe, so I was too excited to write a long reply (lol).

2011France2 20111011-IMG_2705

I’ve been doing this kind of travel for more than 5 years now, but it was very refreshing to see other people’s answers, many of which I hadn’t noticed myself.

« The speed is fast » or « You can use the car navigation system ». The reason why the speed is fast is because that is the local rule, but probably Japanese drivers feel it is too fast and scary.

But what surprised me the most was the number of responses. I guess there are quite a few people who drive in Europe.

I thought it would be great if we could create new exchanges through these Q&A sessions.

From my blog

Needless to say, the category with the highest number of posts on this blog is travel related articles.

As far as I can guess from Google Analytics, overall page views are surprisingly low, but time spent per page is relatively long, and the category is also viewed several pages at a time.

It’s a category that’s a bit geeky, but those who like it will like it, and in a way it’s very personal. So, it is a page that is easy to come to the top of the search results though the number of search is small.

Well, last month, I received a question from a person who arrived at my travelogue via a search by writing to my blog post.


快晴の中のブルゴーニュドライブ ? 2011 France Realtime No.12 – | my lifelog

« A lovely woman who is from the same place and lives in the same place, and who also plays the flute.

It seems that this person is also a master of « personal travel customization » is quite sure to plan well and make my map in Google Maps, but in particular

  • 「☆の評価を見て、とても感覚も近いなぁと思いまして…。」
  • 「EZEにがっかりとかまた共通点を見つけて思わずニヤリと笑ってしまいました。」

He leaves exquisite comments that hit the nail on the head for us (laughs).

These people have already done a lot of research, so we don’t have much advice to give them, but we had a great time interacting with them over the next few days.

We’d love to wish you a great trip!

Maybe we’ll cross paths somewhere in France in April or May.

The above was a description of a recent exchange about driving in Europe.

I understand that everyone in these three cases will be driving in France in April or early May this year. I am also going to drive in France in May.

These days, using iPhones and smartphones abroad is becoming more and more common. It would be interesting if we could interact with each other while traveling locally.

And it would be even more interesting if we had the opportunity to talk about our experiences with each other after the trip.

Maybe we’ll cross paths somewhere in France.

