At the end of October, we will be traveling to « Germany » and « countries around the German border »!

Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn

Another travel story. I haven’t even been to Italy yet, but a month after that I’m going to Germany, and at the end of October I’ll have a week off again, so I’ll take advantage of that too.

We chose Germany as our destination. How many times did I say that?

Trip Objective #1: Listen to an orchestra



Kölner Philharmonie Wiener Philharmoniker, H. Blomstedt: Beethoven


Konzert mit Berliner Philharmoniker, Sir Simon Rattle | Berliner Philharmoniker

プログラムは[highlight]「オール・ベートーヴェン」[/highlight]。これもすごい!ウィーンフィル at ケルンでは、ベートーヴェンの交響曲7番と8番、ベルリンフィル at フランクフルトでは、ベートーヴェンの交響曲1番と3番が演奏されます。指揮者ですが、まずケルンのウィーンフィルでは[highlight]ヴィルヘルム・ブロムシュテット[/highlight]、フランクフルトのベルリンフィルはもちろん[highlight]サイモン・ラトル[/highlight]。ラトルは何度か聴いたことはありますが、ブロムシュテットはもしかしたら初めてかもしれません。N響で聴いたかな?

Those tickets could be easily purchased on the web.

They were purchased from the websites of the respective performance venues. Electronic tickets were also available, but we decided to have a printed copy sent to us just in case. It took about five days for the Berlin Philharmonic to send us our tickets and about ten days for the Vienna Philharmonic to send us our tickets.

Trip Objective #2: Explore border towns and enclaves

Why do these enclaves have to be so exciting! Maybe I’m the only one who thinks so, but I’m thinking of visiting a few enclaves that I might be able to get to from Germany.


What kind of place it is, it’s obvious from the map.

It may be hard to understand, but it’s a small town with the Dutch and Belgian borders intermingled everywhere. So, you can see the scene like the picture below in the city. This complicated border is a selling point for tourism, and tourists from all over the world seem to visit the city for this.

Baarle-Hertog and Baarle-Nassau-10

You can read more about how these places came to be in the following books.

世界飛び地大全 (角川ソフィア文庫)

Ichiro Yoshida


KADOKAWA/角川学芸出版 2014–08–23

Sales Ranking : 129713

Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools


ちなみにスイス領内にある飛び地としてもう一つ有名な街が、イタリア側の「カンピョーネ・ディターリア(Campione d’Italia)」。ここは北イタリアのコモからクルマで30分弱のところなので、9月のイタリア旅行時に訪れる予定です。


Trip Objective #3: Visit a city that Germans want to visit

In the second half of the trip, we will focus on the northwest Germany. I’ve visited this area several times in the past, so this time I’m planning to visit places that are not so major in Japan. In that case, I referred to this site.

ドイツ人が好きなドイツの観光名所ベスト50 ドイツ All About

It is true that some of these places are not often found in Japanese guidebooks.

On this trip, we think we will be able to visit the following.

  • 5位  市庁舎広場 (パダーボーン Paderborn)
  • 14位 歴史的な旧市街 (タン Tann)
  • 21位 世界最長のバーカウンター(約270のバーが立ち並ぶ通り) (デュッセルドルフ)
  • 24位 ライン渓谷 (ヘッセン州・ラインラント・プファルツ州)
  • 34位 エーバーバッハ修道院 (エルトヴィレ Eltville)
  • 41位 市庁舎とローラント像 (ブレーメン) [世界遺産]


なお、冒頭の写真は「10位 中世の旧市街 (クヴェトリンブルク Quedlinburg) [世界遺産]」です。2010年に訪れているのですが、雨が強くゆっくり観光できなかったので、可能であれば再訪したいです。

Travel meeting in Renoir all the way for the trip.

This trip, we and our parents will be going with us. My father is also a person who can drive there, so we will be traveling with two cars. The senior team’s car and the junior team’s car will be separated, the same style as last July. This time, however, we didn’t go together most of the time, but basically we went separately and joined each other at some places. Because the places I want to go are all minor places (laughs).

However, it can be surprisingly difficult to agree on what dates are appropriate for each family member and their different ages.



The same is true for accommodation, but it can be even more difficult to find a place that satisfies everyone. This is because each participant has different wishes, budget and quality image. While being aware of such individual tastes, it is necessary to make arrangements that are well-balanced for the whole schedule, not too cheap and not too expensive.

Taking the above into consideration, I decided on the schedule and accommodation in advance to some extent, and we proceeded with the meeting by discussing whether there were any problems with it and whether there were any other requests. We also used the Internet to look at photos of tourist spots and accommodations on the spot.

As a result, I think we have a great itinerary and accommodations that we can all agree on.

The refugee problem is a bit of a concern, but in any case, stay vigilant.

So, I’m fully prepared for this trip, but there is something that worries me a little. It is the Syrian refugee problem that has been talked about since around September. As far as I can see from the news, they seem to have arrived in Munich, the gateway to the south, one after another.

The area we are going to this time is along the border with Switzerland, France and the Netherlands, and we are not going to the Austrian side, which is considered to be particularly problematic, but security may be tight near the border. If you are in a car, you may be forced to stop and your luggage may be searched. There is a rumor going around that the Schengen Agreement will be temporarily suspended.

I’ve been driving in Europe for a long time, so I’ve had a lot of experiences like this, but I’d like to keep it in mind just in case. I think I need to collect information from time to time.

