2015 Israel & Morocco Trip No.4: Last Day in Jerusalem Part 1, Temple Hill, Mount of Olives

Israel and Morocco Travel 2015 GW
Israel and Morocco Travel 2015 GW

Date of visit: April 26, 2015

This is the last day of sightseeing in Jerusalem. Finally, we went to the Hill of the Temple.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, to the tomb of Christ


Even though it was 8 am, there were many tourists, but still less than the day before yesterday, and we could see the tomb of Christ easily.


Go to « Temple Hill », the biggest highlight of sightseeing in Jerusalem



Now, to get to the Temple Hill, you have to go through a wooden passage like this one.

This wooden walkway is right next to the Wall of Sorrows. You can see it in the full view photo of the Wall of Lamentations that I took that day. This is a completely Muslim-controlled area, so it’s deviated from the rest of the city like this, but it’s an indescribable feeling.


Then, safely through the passageway, I stepped onto the Temple Hill I had longed for.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of the « Dome of the Rock


Unfortunately, it is now forbidden for non-Muslims to visit, so we could only see and take photos from outside. However, it is very beautiful. The present design was ordered by Suleiman I in the Ottoman period.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

Another representative building on the Temple Hill is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. However, this place was also not open to non-Muslims.

Note that there are no shops or toilets on Temple Hill!


The Wall of Sorrows again.

When you leave the Temple Hill, you can freely leave from any place except the Moroccan Gate where you came in, but be careful because you can’t go back once you leave. We had a lot of time on this day, so we revisited the Wall of Sorrow which we visited the day before. Because it was not Sabbath, we could take photos. Compared to the previous day’s Sabbath, there were slightly fewer people, and it was more open. There were also many tourists.

Of course, there were many Orthodox Jews there.

Looking back, behind you is the Jewish quarter. It is a European style town.

In this way, it’s a very peaceful city. Both the Wailing Wall and the Temple Hill are usually peaceful spots that are crowded with citizens and tourists.

To the Mount of Olives.

Then we decided to go to Mount Olive. I could have walked there, but I decided to take a taxi because of the steep slope and the temperature (I think it was over 30 degrees). Taxis were parked around the Wall of Sorrow, so I contacted one of them. As usual, he said « I’ll take you to Bethlehem and Jericho », but I said « It’s enough if you drop me off at the Mount of Olives. I said, « It’s 15 shukels », so I decided to get in.


That said, the view from here is fantastic.



By the way, Judaism says that the Messiah has not appeared yet, and Christianity says that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.


