Continue to Traffic Violations in Spain, I contacted the Spanish Embassy to ask if the website http is not encrypted and dangerous…

2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation

Our annual GW Europe trip is finally coming up next week, and I’d like to talk about this topic again just before the trip.

The payment site is not encrypted!

I experienced a traffic violation in Spain on my trip last year, and paid the violation fee from the web.

無事ネット経由で罰金支払い完了! 交通違反しちゃった at スペイン その2 -2012 France and Spain | my lifelog

It’s not that many, but we do get occasional access from people who have also been given a traffic ticket in Spain.

This is a post that gets a lot of comments for this blog, probably because it’s niche content, but I received this comment just the other day.

Nice to meet you. When I drove around Spain last year, I was struck by a speed camera and came across this site.

If you ignore it, you’ll get warnings over and over again, and I’ve just gotten serious.

When I try to make a payment online as described above, it is not encrypted and I am very hesitant to pay by card.

Have you had any problems paying through the site?

Yes, it’s true, this site.

Dirección General de Tráfico


On the French site…

This one is https, so it’s properly encrypted.

I tried contacting the Spanish embassy, but…

So far, I haven’t had any problems, but since I’ve been communicating with a few people on the entry page, I thought it would be a good idea to leave it at that, so I decided to send an email to the email address of the Spanish Embassy, which I had contacted before.

Embassy of Spain

My name is yukoma and I made an inquiry about traffic violations in Spain last July.

Thank you very much for your help on that occasion. Thanks to your help, we were able to deal with the problem safely. Thank you very much.

Now, I have an additional question regarding the site where you pay that traffic ticket.

I got a call from a friend of mine the other day.

This site is not https, but http, and I was asked if it would cause any problems if I used this site to exchange my credit card information.

It was said that unencrypted http is dangerous because raw data flows over the net, and encrypted https should be.

I certainly thought so too, as this acquaintance pointed out.

I wasn’t sure how or where to direct this kind of question, but I had contacted this email before, so I’m contacting you again.

By the way, the site in France is

Site officiel unique de télépaiement |
Seul site gouvernemental de paiement en ligne des amendes émises par les autorités françaises et comportant une référence de télépaiement.

and https.

I thought it would be a good idea to leave it alone after receiving such a suggestion, so I contacted you. We would be happy if you could improve the situation in a better direction in the future, if not sooner.

I look forward to working with you.

And I got a reply today, and here are the results.

As for the matter you mentioned, I checked and found that the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (under the jurisdiction of the Police and Traffic Department)

There is a customer feedback form on the website of You can describe your point of view and send e-mail.

The site will be as follows.


However, please note that only the Spanish version is available.

I look forward to working with you.


Spanish Embassies and Consulates

I thought it was a pdf, but it looks like you can inquire from the website too. Wow, I didn’t know there was such a system.

In any case, they seem to want me to communicate with them in Spanish by myself.

I understand that the consulate can’t respond to every single request, but I also think that they could have contacted us instead, which is kind of frustrating.

