I participated in a one-day production of Gijin Oke #gijin325oke

05. Musicorchestra


I participated in a reckless project to combine Schumann’s and Brahms’ 2nd symphonies, respectively, in just one day.

You can see how it all started here.

ぎじんオケ発足!?涙で画面が見えないよママン編? – Togetter http://togetter.com/li/217393

ぎじんオケ発進?夢じゃなかったよ、ママン。編? – Togetter http://togetter.com/li/217466

To put it simply, it’s a project that was started by a drunk or a person who said he was going to sleep but never went to sleep and talked in his sleep.

But it was fun. I’m glad I did it.

ぎじんオケ、本当に集まっちゃったよ!ママン!涙と汗でスコアががが! – Togetter http://togetter.com/li/278396

There was no way I could have done such a big piece in one day, but I entered the competition and organized the violins because I wanted to meet everyone.

Of course, I love both songs. It just so happens that I played them when I was a student, which was a lot of fun. (I played Schumann a little bit in practice, but not in the show…)

Even so, people often gather here. I think it has become easier to gather people.

It’s an interesting time, isn’t it? » That’s what my friend and I talked about as we left.

Yes, really interesting times.

The members who got to know each other at « Grain-Oke » became the core of the project, and they called each other’s acquaintances, or found each other’s tweets and joined the project.

