Istanbul First Day No.4 Galata Bridge -2010 France & Turkey No.26

2010 France
2010 France

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Date of visit: May 6, 2010, around 2:00 p.m.

After the Bosphorus cruise, we went to the new city. The bridge we crossed at that time is « Galata Bridge ».

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This is a very lively place. It was just lunch time, so it was crowded with many people. There were many food shops and souvenir shops. It was a beautiful day and very hot.

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Now we walk across the bridge. There are a lot of fishermen. Sometimes a boat goes by, but I wonder if they move it properly at that time.

View from the bridge « Suleimaniye Jamee ».

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Galata Tower » seen from the bridge We are going to go here after this.

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And then « Golden Horn Bay », Golden Horn Bay!

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Well, if you’ve read about the siege of Constantinople, world history, or the works of Shiono Nanao, you’ll be excited to hear this name. Well, for details, please read something related to it.

So here we are, the New Town, and now I’d like to look at the Old Town from the New Town side.

