Here we go, the Kyoto Marathon, the « invitation to participate » document has arrived! #KyotoMarathon

09. Sports
09. Sportskyoto marathon 2013

It’s been more than a week since the official website and new information was announced, but last Thursday, we finally received the « invitation to participate » document for our house!

That’s a relief.

From a quick look, it looks the same as the one for the Tokyo Marathon!

But what I think is typical of Kyoto is that here, we have the « Kyoto Marathon 2013 Bathhouse Map »!

This is very helpful, and the pdf version is already available.

「京都マラソン2013お風呂屋さんマップ」の作成について/京都市 文化市民局 市民スポーツ振興室

Oh, by the way, there is also a pdf of the invitation document on the official page. I have to put it in my GoodReader.


